30 may 2014

In a clothes shop

Dialogue 1 in a clothes shop

SA:                  Hello, Can I help you?
C:                    Hello, yes please. I’m looking for a T-shirt.
SA:                  What colour do you prefer?
C:                     I like blue or red.
SA:                  And what size do you need?
C:                     I usually use a large / medium / small size.
SA:                  OK. In your size we have these three models.
C:                    Oh, they are very beautiful!
SA:                  Do you want to try them on?
C:                    Yes, please. Where are the fitting rooms?
SA:                  Just at the end of the corridor /They are just over there.
C:                    Ok, thanks.
(A few minutes later…)
SA                   Do they suit you?
C:                    Yes, I choose this one. How much is it?
SA:                  It is 20 euros.
C:                    Ok. I’ll take it.
SA:                  Do you need anything else?
C:                    No, thanks.
SA:                  How would you like to pay?
C:                     I’ll pay in cash. Here you are.
SA:                  Thank you. Here’s your change and your receipt. Have a nice day.
C:                    You too. Good bye.

SA:                  Good bye.

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